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Every day I get up and I make a choice to take my power back. Narcissists/abusers thrive on controlling others. They want you to live in fear of them, so I choose to not allow that.

The best thing you can do is act as if they are inconsequential to you and your life. Move on, allow yourself to be happy. Allow yourself not to think about them or live in fear of them. Allow yourself to stop being angry.

Allow yourself to not feel guilty or ashamed of what has happened. I used to be told we got our beatings because we fought or were too loud. We deserved it. Truth be told he would have found another excuse and he did. If I giggled too loud, it sounded like fighting, so I got it. If I asked my mom a question, it sounded like I was talking back to her so I got it.

You can be the perfect person and they will find a reason, or make one up if need be. This isn't your fault. This is a reflection of their insecurities and weaknesses. It shows their lack of emotional intelligence. They are also very self-centered. They obviously don't care about you. Love means not intentionally hurting someone.

I tell myself I deserve better as do you. Why should I care about them when they don't care about me. My dad didn't care I was his only daughter. That I was his child. He didn't care about my mom or her happiness. He didn't care about his grandchildren.

When you realize how they truly feel about you, it makes it easier to turn your thoughts away from them. It's difficult at first to change what you havel learned. This is where journaling can help. Keep writing that you deserve better. You deserve to be in control of yourself. You deserve to take your power back

I'll admit there are days I will get angry at him, but I stop that thought and remember I won't allow him to control my thoughts. Some days I have to do it over and over. But that gets easier over time. You can do this. You deserve this.


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