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It's not your fault


It's not your fault. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!

In fact, the more the narcissists feels threatened by you, the harder they will come at you. They can't handle someone being smarter, better, happier, etc. The more you are those things, the more insecure they are and the more vicious they will be to you.

They will be angrier with you. Tell you more often how much it is your fault and be more intense about it. They will yell and scream more and louder. The narcissist will do anything it takes to tear you down.

And they are good at it. They watch for your weak times when you have a lot of other stressful things going on. And they will say things that may even go unnoticed, make little digs at you. They wait for you to make a mistake and they will pounce convincing you that everything they've been saying was now just proven by your mistake.

They hide in plain sight and know how to hit your most vulnerable spots even in public where some witnesses might miss the true meaning of their comments.

The stronger you are, the harder they are going to try to break you. They view that as a challenge.

What can you do? They hate being ignored and feeling insignificant. Don't get emotional with them. They like that they get you worked up. Stay calm. It's hard, but it's effective. Don't take what they say personally because it's not your fault. Better yet, walk away completely from them.

Journal what they say and do so when you need the courage to walk away, you don't try to feel sorry for them or make excuses for them. There simply is no excuse for their behavior. Anyone who loves you will cherish you and build you up, help you to become stronger, not tear you down and try to break you.

Be weary of them trying to isolate you. They know others will see what they are doing and will tell you to leave. That's why they don't want anyone around you. Don't allow it. If you're afraid to tell your friends and family about what's going on, it's not healthy.

Stay strong. Go to therapy. Reach out to those around you. Don't allow their excuses for being a jackass.


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